Monday, June 9, 2008

We've arrived!!!

After a long, and very aggravating trip, we finally made it to Texas! If I may make a suggestion, never travel by bus with small children! Unless you enjoy torturing yourself, then go for it. Steph did okay, she was wired the whole trip and finally crashed at 11pm last night. I didn't sleep till 4am. Try sleeping when all you can smell is the stench from the bathroom. Anyways, if you want to meet interesting people, and it's only you, or you and another person, this is the way to go. I met a lovely, young woman from Cameroon, Africa; a 57 year old mother of 6 who has been battling colon cancer for 4 years, on her way to Houston from Tennessee for her specialized chemo treatment; a young family finally leaving New Orleans after Katrina; a high school graduate on her way to see her brother in Waco before he leaves for Iraq; a gentleman on his way to the Philippines to pick up his new bride; and a young man, just home from Iraq, who was surprising his family. I'll be posting images during the next 2 weeks from our vacation, so keep checking back. Coming up... The Bush Presidential Library (woo hoo, not), Seaworld, Alamo, Riverwalk, and much more!
Stephanie looking out the window of the bus at the lake outside of Dallas.