Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Choosing a wedding photographer...

We all understand that making the decisions regarding your wedding is difficult enough. But making the final decision on those crucial details that are going to affect this one time only day is so much harder when you have so many different options to choose from. A couple of us photographers here in town noticed that within the span of a little over a year, the number of wedding photographers here in our little mountain community has jumped significantly. The problem with this, is you are going to get what you pay for.

Keep in mind that the person you hire will be able to give you a references from brides and grooms that they have worked with. When asking to see work, ask to see all of it, not just their best shots. Don't be afraid to ask to see and entire wedding from start to finish and ask questions about those pictures. For instance, I'm not going to have 100% perfect shots all the time like we would all like to believe happens to us. But I want you to see these as well as the ones that you notice on our website. We shouldn't be opposed to this.

Also, if you are going to trust Uncle Harry or Cousin Carla just because they have a great camera, unless they have experience, you may be trusting those important memories to the wrong person. And the $250 photographer? Red eye looks great for Halloween, not in your wedding images.

I don't care if you choose someone else, I just want you to choose the right one. Pay a little extra and go for the person who knows what they are doing. Best wishes on your upcoming wedding to all the brides who read this!