Sunday, September 28, 2008

I've been tagged!!!

I've been tagged
Katy tagged me...

so these are the rules...
1. Post the rules on your blog (or email).
2. Write 6 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
4. If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along.

1. I am deathly afraid of spiders. No, it's really ridiculous! I've screamed so much because of those tiny little ones that you can barely see, that my 4 year old now does the same thing!

2. My goal for 10 years after high school was to be standing in the winner's circle at the Kentucky Derby with a horse I owned.

3. As much disarray as my house is in, I know where everything is and I'm still a perfectionist.

4. Not a day goes by when I don't research something about photography. I'm obsessed, what can I say!

5. I have a ton of workout videos and I hate every one and have only used them once each! Anyone want some?

6. I can't stand the term Yankee in reference to myself! I'm not a Yankee, I'm from the west coast! We are something completely different! GRRRR!

Now to tag 6 people:
Quinn Newton
Kelly Hamm
Heather Pritchard
Anyone else who thinks it will be fun!


Kelly said...

Thanks for the tag! :)